Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bon Jovi Design Rationale

Design Rationale: Bon Jovi Powerpoint


So, this task was definitely my most challenging yet. Although I have had experience working with powerpoint in the past- I had never done a fun project like this for one of my classes. I pretty much knew the custom animation- i.e. how to make all of my letters and pictures flash before you, and do extreme effects- and I saved a lot of fun pictures from google that I thought would be appropriate to represent Bon Jovi. After picking out these 6 specific backgrounds- which all had to do with guitars, or tie dye, and rock and roll- I formatted the CD slides to look just like the album covers with the same font- the main font used was COPPERPLATE GOTHIC BOLD. I used figured out how to make boom boxes as my bullet points, and use the slide transitions icon, as well as self timing my slideshow. The most challenging, was basically the same for everyone which was music. I struggled figuring out how to transfer the music from my cd to the slideshow and keep it running the whole time.

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