Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Career Center Newsletter

So, starting out on this project I was not extremely familiar with Quark Express. But I found out how to create a layout based on our theme for "Life Is A Highway" because we figured that the Career Center helps you down the road of life. I chose map backgrounds that I felt were appropraite and found pictures from the career center that I felt were good for showing the different job oppurtunities offered. The calender was somewhat of a challenge to make but I figured it out using the graph tool, and I used the font Harrington because it was somewhat fancy but not too formal. I feel like in order to connect with the students, trhe Career Center needed a format that students could relate to such as this. The beginning of the newsletter looked somewhat formal and I did not choose the traditional yellow and blue colors, because I wanted to show that the career center is different from the school- and it is a way that students can reach out on their own. The pastel colors were chosen to not scare the students away but to keep reading. On the back of the brochure, I tried to use a circle text box which I felt made it more interesting for a little question and answer format the center might be able to use.

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